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  • 27 July 2024

May’s Coffee Shop Bishopton lunch review

on 14 December 2023 0

Robert Blair and Paul Dickson venture out to Bishopton for a wholesome and hearty afternoon at May’s Coffee Shop

That is the precise atmosphere that’ll envelope you the minute that you walk into May’s Coffee Shop. Well-intentioned and unpretentious in both service and its food, their tight knit team isn’t only very welcoming, but are extraordinarily industrious for how few their ranks are.

There’s something unmistakably inviting about a local café in the traditional mould. From the minute that you sit down, you feel like the cumulative load of life has been lightened and if time permitted, you could happily spend hours there drinking coffee and nibbling away at whatever savoury or sweet delicacy you’ve opted for. 

May's Coffee Shop

Chicken, bacon and tomato wrap ©Mill Magazine

If that was the case, you’d often expect to wait a little while before they came to take your order or the food arrived. However, there is no such issue at May’s, where the place runs like a piece of fine clockwork. 

Customer friendly to their core, the expansive menu can also be adapted to fit the requests of anyone who happens to head in for a breakfast or lunchtime reprieve from the day’s demands. 

Starting off with a refreshing oat milk latte, we were quickly delivered our main attractions. For me, I opted for a quintessential café meal of a cheese toastie and a soup. In this case, an immensely flavourful cream of red pepper and tomato that had a delectable and palatable tang to it. Coupled with a salad that was coated in lashings of balsamic glaze, it was exactly what I needed that day. 

As for Paul, he took a chicken, bacon and tomato wrap that came complete with a delicious pesto mayo. From the first taste to the concluding bite, Paul enthused about how well balanced each element was and assured me that he’d certainly have it again when he’s in this neck of the woods. 

May's Coffee Shop

Cream of red pepper and tomato soup ©Mill Magazine

As is customary, our trip concluded with confectionery. Supplied by the Bavarian Bakehouse in nearby Cumbernauld, I luxuriated in the experience of their wonderfully rich chocolate brownie. 

Meanwhile, it was a maiden voyage for Paul as he became the inaugural eater of their cherry tart which, in his words, contained just the “perfect amount of sweetness”. 

From beginning to end, our time at May’s was a sublime way to spend an afternoon. Now armed with a new chef and a kid’s menu, it was clear why the place is always densely populated with customers. Based on the enjoyment accrued on our first trip, we have all the incentive needed for us to go back in the future. 

May’s Coffee Shop, 19 Greenock Road, Bishopton, PA7 5JW, 01505 863777, visit the website here.

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