27 July 2024
  • 27 July 2024

Infrared Light Therapy: Tried and tested

on 21 April 2024 0

Paul Dickson tries out the cutting edge Infrared Light Therapy technology available at Health Hub in Quarriers Village

When I read up on all the benefits of the Theralight 360 Infrared Light Therapy, I was straight on the phone to Health Hub to book in for three 20 minute sessions.

At 48, I was struggling to get back into fitness as I had accumulated pains and injuries that just weren’t going away as fast I would have liked. The benefit of the therapy I was interested in was reduced pain and inflammation leading to faster tissue repair.

On top of this, infrared light therapy can help improve your sleep, energy levels, immune system and athletic performance. As if that wasn’t enough, it’s also good for your skin and symptoms of depression. 

The Theralight 360 uses specific wavelengths of red light which are absorbed at a cellular level. This stimulates tissue healing where other treatments cannot reach without invasive surgery or the use of prescription drugs.

The machine looks like a lie down sunbed. You strip down to your underwear, put on protective glasses, get comfortable, press a button linked to reception and the lights come on.

It feels nice. It’s not hot in any way, although the last five minutes or so are pleasantly warm and it’s easy to find yourself drifting off to sleep. The lights click off, you get dressed and the therapy is over. 

After three sessions, the pain in the problem areas has noticeably lessened, so much so I have joined the local gym. The day after each session, I felt I had a spring in my step.

Following this experience, I totally believe in the science of infrared light therapy and have subsequently signed up for another three sessions. If I feel this good already, I’m looking forward to see what further strides can be made from here. 

One session is £45, while I booked in for three at a total of £125. Health Hub, Faith Avenue, Quarriers Village, PA11 3TF, 01505 801 313, visit the website.

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