16 January 2025
  • 16 January 2025

An Ode To Ferguslie

on 12 May 2021 0

The Ferguslie Tourist
By Kevin Muirhead

Am a Paisley boy born and bred,
Tae a faimly of Fegs with the name Muirhead,
They hailed fae a street called Logan Drive,
Tae the outsider I suppose it was a bit ae a dive,
But embedded within it was a deep burning pride,
Filled with people who came fae far and wide,
But ma faither was drawn oot aw the scheme,
Tae follow ma mother and her planned oot dream,
Tae live in a hoose, no up a close or inside a flat,
I’m sure she thought it wid be aw that.
But something always drew me back to this place,
Whether it was for school or ma mates or burds to chase.
I never knew way back then,
The folk I’d meet, good wummin and men.
People who fought and supported for each other,
where helping a neighbour was never a bother.
The outsiders, they don’t see what a see,
A community working the ‘gither who more than welcomed me.
I came to this scheme tae work in the school,
Try to help others was always ma rule.
So I made it ma plan tae dae a bit of good,
and made plenty a friends with this wonderful neighbourhood.
I told everyone outside that the perception was wrong,
The people of Ferguslie are caring and loyal aw day long.
Their help and support knew nae bounds,
With volunteers constantly daein their rounds.
Checking in on people when they need it the most,
I can tell you not many other areas had that to boast.
Some Food, good friends and chat when you need it,
For its sense of community nae where wid beat it.
I know for some they think I’m a tourist,
My motives of good are the very purist.
It’s true I arrive in the morning and leave when it’s dark,
But I promise you this; my heart is in Ferguslie Park.

Walk through Ferguslie Park
By Conrad Crichton, age 12

If you’re feeling low, and you’re mood is dark,
Go for a walk through Ferguslie Park.
Folk here are fab!!
You won’t feel drab.
If you go for a walk through Ferguslie Park.
Smiles a plenty,
a natter or two,
will be waiting for you,
if you go for a walk through Ferguslie park.
Covid has been horrific,
but the Fegs are still terrific.
You’ll see for yourself
and do some good for you’re health.
If you go for a walk through Ferguslie park
I’ve stayed here all my life,
yes sometimes there’s trouble and strife.
But in the end we always have each others back.
You’ll find out for yourself if you walk through Ferguslie park.
From Park Lane to Calder Road
these two houses I have called home.
There’s no place I’d rather stay,
for what us Fegs have money couldn’t pay.
We all leave our own mark,
You’ll soon realise if you go for a walk through Ferguslie park.
From the Tannahill Centre, pals of the privies or even the Darkwood crew
you’ll never feel alone,
because there are always someone willing to listen and help you.
It will leave you with a spark,
if you go for a walk through Ferguslie park.

An Ode to Ferguslie
By Isabella Erroch

I have lived in Feegie fur awe ma days
an nothing but ma mind ever strays
we’ve hud some gid times an some bad
but life in Feegie makes me glad
people here are so kind
even tho a walk roon blind
worked in Feegie library for 25yrs
when a left a wis in tears
an here a am age 78
life fur me here is great

An Ode to Ferguslie Park
By Gillian Hunter

I’m no fae feegie, let me just say
but I came here 3 year ago and I’m here to stay.
My first instincts were god what dump
when I walked through the Privies wi’ ma shoulders a slump.
A few weeks later I noticed a change
and I heard about community groups and aww the weans.
They turned up at parks in there own spare time
and started to tidy it for yours and mine.
They cleared aw the overgrowth and removed all the rubbish
and oh my god did it start to flourish.
They created a fairy garden and superhero trail,
and more and more ppl visited without fail.
They put on fun days for all the kids,
and dont even charge a penny for this.
They created the memorial garden for us to remember,
all of our friends and family members.
Then covid struck and lockdown came,
and ppl were worried about the vulnerable and the weans.
But the folk in feegie all pulled together,
making plans whatever the weather.
They delivered food and put gas in your meter
cos many were tappin’ Paul to pay Peter.
The best thing for many in those uncertain times
was the the bingo bus doin its rounds.
Isolation bingo went street to street
every night for weeks and weeks.
There was prizes galore and music too,
all at a safe distance to protect me and you.
The weans all learned to do the slosh,
and even got a goodie bag wi lots of nosh.
So to all those involved in the community groups,
Yous are all heroes, our troops.
The folk fae feegie have a great community spirit
and as for me well, am aww fur it.

An Ode to Ferguslie
By Barbara Hinds

ferguslie is the place for me
and of course my family
if there’s a crisis you can be sure
we’ll rally round with biscuits and tea
community is at its heart
we stick together like glue you see
so if you hear bad publicity
just tell them staying in ferguslie
you don’t know what your missing we have the wee dark wood crew
that’s just to name a few
friends of the privies too who bond together like the crew
I think when you make it your home
you don’t have the need to roam
this ferguslie is all you need
it caters for everyone’s needs

An Ode to Ferguslie
By Ewa Tejas

Our Ferguslie is the best.
We like spending together fest!
We have a great community.
We feel like unity!
There is no better place to live!!
Always friendly and helpful.
We are always grateful!
Everyone is welcome.
And will feel here like at home.

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