27 July 2024
  • 27 July 2024

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From Kashmir to Renfrewshire

by on 1 September 2019 0
Dress and Textiles History Scholar Lucy McConnell transports us back to the heyday of textile production in Renfrewshire at the time of the Paisley shawl. Recognised for its level of production and the quality of industrial output, Renfrewshire was a major manufacturer of textiles across numerous decades. As woven textile production spread throughout the... Read More

Sma’ Wonders in Shuttle Street

by on 1 May 2019 0
The Sma’ Shot Cottages in Paisley are one of the town’s most cherished tourist attractions. Stepping back in time is easy when you have free access to the beautifully preserved likes of the Sma’ Shot Cottages.  Originally built in the 1740s, the weaver’s cottage on Shuttle Street has been painstakingly restored to how it... Read More

Renfrew Town Hall

by on 1 March 2019 0
The rich and varied history of Renfrew is brought to life inside one of its oldest buildings. When Renfrew Town Hall was fully refurbished in 2012, the idea was to preserve the building as an historic landmark while opening up its facilities for local residents and visitors. That plan was a success, as these... Read More