Track Review: The Vegan Leather – Who’s Knocking On My Door?
Paisley’s own The Vegan Leather are back and with an added helping of ferocity on their new single “Who’s Knocking On My Door?”
Although their music has always been deceptively heavy in its composition, the four piece’s latest offering see them at their most untethered to date.
Delving headlong into uncharted territory with a hail of buzzsaw guitar riffs and electronica-tinged uproariousness, the new single is unmistakably them in terms of its idiosyncrasies, but simply filters them through a new, deeply cathartic lane.
Bearing hallmarks of Death From Above 1979 and The Rapture at their most strident, it’s a single that’ll not only live long in the memory, but ushers in a new era for the group in which any preconceptions of what their sound is comprised of should be promptly hurled out the window.
And what’s more, it’s certain to incite chaos live. Check out the track via your preferred streaming service.