27 July 2024
  • 27 July 2024

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Interview: Kari Corbett

by on 25 January 2021 0
After a five-year hiatus, Paisley-born actor and director Kari Corbett is embarking on her next chapter with a clearer purpose than ever. At a time when the entire planet is in flux, it’d be easy to be jaded to the point of apathy. But as we make introductory small talk in Paisley’s Brew, Kari... Read More

Interview: Carmen Pieraccini

by on 1 November 2019 0
Fresh from her return to the tumultuous world of River City, we met Paisley-born Carmen Pieraccini to discuss family, finding her feet in the acting world and much more.  On a brisk Tuesday morning, Carmen Pieraccini meandered around Barshaw Park for the first time in years. As her five-month-old son napped blissfully in his... Read More