27 July 2024
  • 27 July 2024

Connor Beck: Renfrew’s inspirational young charity fundraiser

on 2 May 2023 0

After the untimely passing of his uncle John, young Connor Beck began to raise money for charity, now he’s getting the plaudits he deserves for all of his tireless work

When tragedy takes hold, it’s easy to be swamped by the agony of loss. However, there are times where, in an effort to immortalise their loved one who’s sadly left this earthly realm, families will rally around and prise something positive out of their pain. 

Such is the case of 11-year-old Connor Beck, a young man from Renfrew who has now been avidly fundraising in memory of his late uncle, John.

Back in 2019, John abruptly passed on from a fatal cardiac arrest while in America. Within a short space of time, Connor – who has cherished memories of going to his earliest football games with him – realised that he wanted to raise money for the British Heart Foundation in his uncle’s honour.

Over time, this expanded to the point that he was appointed as the charity’s Young Heart Hero for 2022 after raising over £10,000 and completing the West Highland Way. Alongside being honoured at a lavish ceremony in London, Connor received an audience with the former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and became the first local hero from the area to have their likeness emblazoned on the exterior of Kustom Kruizers by graffiti artist BMore Sketchy. 

“We’re thinking of doing something like a family fun day next,” said his mother Michelle of future fundraising plans. “We’d love to get local kids involved and maybe have British Heart Foundation along to teach them CPR, as it’s a great skill to have.” 

“It was maybe five months later that I thought about it,” Connor said of beginning to fundraise. “We first thought I could do a cycle as I like doing that. Then, we did the West Highland Way and a race night too. The original goal was to raise £100, but it just kept on going higher. I’ve had great support from my family and friends, as well as my school, MPs and MSPs.” 

Connor Beck

Connor at British Heart Foundation Young Heart Hero Awards

“I think it’s something we’ll continue to do,” said Michelle. “It really helps my parents too, as it doesn’t just raise money and raise awareness, but keeps my brother’s name alive. It’s also been amazing for Connor and his confidence, his school has even got him up during assemblies to talk about what he’s achieved.” 

If you would like to support Connor and his family’s efforts, donate via the Gift of Hope website.

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