27 July 2024
  • 27 July 2024

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New riverside routes to Scotland’s manufacturing district

by on 25 January 2023 1
New riverside routes into Scotland’s manufacturing district have been given the green light. Improved transport connections along the White Cart river between Paisley town centre and Scotland’s manufacturing innovation district are a step closer after receiving planning consent. Renfrewshire Council’s Planning and Climate Change Board have given the green light to a series of... Read More

Innovation district AMIDS on course for jobs in Renfrewshire

by on 4 January 2022 0
With a heating system 90% greener than a gas boiler and two specialist centres transforming skills, processes and productivity, Scotland’s Innovation district AMIDS is taking shape in Renfrewshire. Here’s a snapshot of photos showing the progress being made on the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS). Renfrewshire Council is leading development of the 52-hectare... Read More